Auld Lang Syne

Scottish poet Robert Burns, reminded us that as we bid farewell to the year past, we ring in newness and hopefulness for what’s to come. It matters that we both reconnect to our past and move forward with our future. New Year’s Day is particularly sacred to me as this is the day my son was born. With the fanfare of fireworks on the millennium, from my hospital post, I watched the time change around the world. Surreal and Joyful are the words I used to describe it.

Auld Lang Syne leads naturally to resolutions, though I have never really made any. Instead, I create sayings for the new year (“Everything new in ’22!” Still searching for my ’23 catchphrase) and follow my mantras. A New Year is our chance to connect to the things that matter in life, and as with the winter solstice, say goodbye to the things that need to find a place in our memories. To me, it’s not what I will do in the New Year, but how I will do it.

My compass, my North Star, has always been my mom, who at ninety years old still lives with grace, beauty, and fun. Her love for family has never swayed and never shown brighter as I witnessed her processing the loss of her 69-year relationship with my dad. Immediately she expressed gratitude for him and what they created – three children with seven grandchildren. She chooses to be happy in her long years, embracing all that is yet to be.

As mom would say, “Kiss the joy as it flies.”

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